About the Collection
The collection is composed of printed materials, advertisements, packaging, posters, sketches of logos and logotype and packaging designs, book covers, and some photographs. The majority of the materials are working files (see Series 2)—including sketches for advertisements, logos, and packaging (the bulk being sketches for logos). Some items in the collection were not designed or produced by Ferriter in any way (e.g., the Visual Graphics Corporation posters). Where those items could be determined, they are described as such, but it is possible that some items that Ferriter did not create (whether as designer, illustrator, art director, creative director, etc.) may be included alongside those he certainly did. Graphic designer and illustrator Roger Ferriter (1932–2015) was born in Rhode Island. After a stint in the Marine Corp and some time in the baseball minor league, Ferriter attended RISD, graduating in 1955, getting a Master's from Yale in 1959. He was Art Director at Young & Rubicam (1959-1960) and Art Supervisor at McCann-Erikson (1960-1966). After a few years working as the Creative Director and Vice President of Design for Metromedia (1966-1969), Ferriter became a partner at Lubalin, Smith, Carnase, Inc./Lubalin, Burns & Co., Inc., in 1969. In 1972, he left to found Roger Ferriter, Inc. He also served as Art Directory at Burson-Marsteller. He taught at SVA for over thirty years. Ferriter is best known for the identity and packaging for the Hanes line of L'eggs tights. He also designed advertisements and promotional materials for Tampax, stationery and advertisements for Georg Jensen, Inc., logos, stationery, and printed materials for Metromedia, and logos and logotypes for several periodicals, including Golf, Sport, Barron's, Signature, and Argosy, Prentice Hall publishers, and the World Trade Center, among others.
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Collection guide
Tampax, Inc. "Deep in Your Mind, You Know the Advantages of Tampax" advertisement sketch. 1960s.
L'Eggs. Packaging label for Nude Stockings.
Vitabath. Label, 1973.
Roger Ferriter, Inc. Logo mockup, c. 1972.
Stationery for Georg Jensen by Lubalin, Smith, Carnase. 1970.
1st to Last Pantyhose packaging.
Tampax, Inc. "Tampax is very Subtle" advertisement. 1960s.
Assorted logos designed by Roger Ferriter.
Cover of Sean O'Casey's "Rose and Crown."
L'eggs. Standing display.
Princeton Pharmaceutical Products. Logo.
Type Directors Club. Christmas luncheon invitation. 1964.
Tampax, Inc. "You Muse on Moving through the Lighthearted Worlds of Summer" advertisement. 1960s.
Metromedia. "Rosko" poster. Late 1960s.
Herb Lubalin. "Why Does a Fireman Wear Red Suspenders?" poster. 1965.
L'eggs. Packaging label.
Roger Ferriter, Inc. Logo sketches, c. 1972.