About the Collection
The Tony Palladino Collection comprises 79 posters, 60 original works of art, 33 periodicals, numerous tearsheets, and several hundred color positive slides. Tony Palladino (1930-2014) was the inventive and idiosyncratic designer of many posters, advertisements, book jackets, and magazines. He brought a modern aesthetic to his work, but his work was particularly distinguished by his consistent use of everyday objects. His most famous project was the typographic title for Robert Bloch’s novel Psycho; Alfred Hitchcock bought the rights to the lettering for his 1960 film adaption. Palladino began teaching advertising design at SVA in 1958 and was the creator of many of SVA’s renowned subway posters, including one in which he refashioned smashed hub cabs as fancy women’s hats, illustrating the transformative capacity of art. The Tony Palladino Collection is composed of original art, posters, and other print materials that display the witty, graphically austere, and conceptual style that characterized Palladino’s work throughout his distinguished career as a designer and artist.
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Collection guide
Inner Sanctum. "Thief in the Night" book cover. 1962.
Inner Sanctum. "How Hard to Kill" book cover. 1963.
"Mr. and Mrs. Tony Palladino sail for Italy" wedding announcement.
Mead Library of Ideas. "Magnificent" poster. 1971.
Architectural & Engineering News. "Masonry" magazine cover. 1963.
Inner Sanctum. "Vein of Violence" book cover. 1961.
"Wedding Party" movie poster. 1975.
Brothers Fodale. "Peace" poster. 1972.
The Color Wheel Inc. "Color In The Palladino Drawing Contest" poster. 1987.
Gemelli restaurant. "Napoli" original art.
"Heaven is blessed with perfect rest but the blessing of earth is toil" poster.
Irving Werbin. Promotional piece (paper bag). 1957.
Tony Palladino. Exhibition poster.
School of Visual Arts. Subway poster. 46 x 30. 1989.
School of Visual Arts. Poster. 45.75 x 29.75. 1959.
"Bookjackets" self-promotion card. 1952.
Architectural & Engineering News. "Prefabricated building components issue" magazine cover. 1963.
Architectural & Engineering News. "Building Costs" magazine cover. 1967.
"Psycho" book jacket. 1959.
Poster. 1957.
Centro Culturale R Livatino, Catania, Sicily. Original art. 2004.
School of Visual Arts. Discussion invitation envelope. 1986.