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Blue moon promotion
July 15, 2013

Blue moon promotion

A week ago, the Atlantis took off on the last flight of the space shuttle program, almost exactly forty-two years after NASA’s most recognizable achievement: the Apollo 11 moon landing, at 10:56:20 PM EDT on 20 July 69. CBS’s celebrated coverage of that event was commemorated in this 1970 volume, edited by James Byrne and designed by CBS guru Lou Dorfsman. This lovely collectable was recently donated to the library by Ivan Chermayeff.

Color photo of a grey book on a table. Spine reads 10:56:20PM 72069 CBS News


The cover is embossed with an accurate map of the Sea of Tranquility. Originally, it featured an inset photo of Buzz Aldrin standing next to the American flag, but it appears to have been removed on this copy. However, apart from the subtractions there are also additions:

Book opened to show blue inner pages with dark blue cursive writing in lower right corner


This copy was inscribed to “Jane” and instructs her to “tell Sam that Uncle Lou used to do good work.”

Book opened to show table of contents on white paper


Book opened to show spread; left page is white with black text, right is grey with the header "The Launching July 16"


The mission began on July 16.

Book opened to show full pages of text


Book opened to show collection of color stills of live footage of shuttle launch against black background


Transcripts of commentary and interviews by Walter Cronkite (in dark grey type on heavy matte stock) are interspersed with stills from live footage (in vertical strips on glossy paper). Dorfsman was fêted in the SVA Masters Series in 1991—I wonder if this one-off promo appeared in the exhibition?