Collage launched in 1962 with a mission to be “neither political nor narrowly academic.” With SVA founder Silas Rhodes as publisher, Robert Andrew Parker as editor, and Jack Wolfgang Beck as art director, Collage was a literary magazine that featured the work of the eminent illustration faculty of the school. As far as I can tell, this was the only issue published. More importantly, it was one of just a handful of SVA publications that showcased the likes of Parker, Robert Weaver, Jerome Martin, Tom Allen, and Phil Hays all in one place, establishing the influence of the artists who were redefining magazine and book jacket illustration with varying modes of expressiveness that were rooted in realism but more concerned with conveying mood than recreating a particular scene.

Cover for Collage, School of Visual Arts, 1962.
October 11, 2013
Illustration by Robert Weaver.
Illustration by Phil Hays.
Illustration by Jerome Martin.