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Make a date
Steven Heller Collection. Do-hyung Kim & The Troxlers 2011 Calendar. New Year Boesch Silkscreen Company by Niklaus Troxler.
November 04, 2013

Make a date

Today, some contemporary work (courtesy of the Steve Heller Collection) from Swiss designer Niklaus Troxler, his daughters Annik and Paula, and South Korean designer Do-hyung Kim. Their collaboration resulted in this somewhat impractical but fabulous 2011 calendar of twelve silkscreen prints.

Black and white photo of a man wearing a dark suit and hat standing in profile; the same image is repeated, but cut in half vertically. A triangle graphic and column of text is visible

Steven Heller Collection. Do-hyung Kim & The Troxlers 2011 Calendar. One One Root Two by Do-hyung Kim, photo by K. Jin.

Blue, pink, green, and black geometric shapes against two blue and white grids.

Steven Heller Collection. Do-hyung Kim & The Troxlers 2011 Calendar. Design and Compose by Annik Troxler.

Poster with dada-like figures drawn and with collaged images of lampshades, with text, "wird raussi unter," in different typefaces.

Steven Heller Collection. Do-hyung Kim & The Troxlers 2011 Calendar. Kurt Schwitters Zusammenstoss by Paula Troxler.