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Quiz show
Henry Wolf Collection Box 1 Folder 61. Photographs by Henry Wolf, undated.
May 03, 2014

Quiz show

In the grand tradition of magazine quizzes comes “The Whatchamacallit Game” from Esquire. It hardly seems fair to use the Internet here (though I can’t blame you if you do; the answer key is tragically missing). When this quiz was published (year unknown, maybe early 70s?) all you’d have had at your disposal was the most culturally savvy, good-life loving guy/gal in the office; the article recommends inviting the neighbors over for a drink, which would work fine, too. The photographs are by Henry Wolf, though I’m sure this appeared in the magazine after his tenure as Art Director. I suspect Wolf would’ve been a particularly excellent partner in this game. Those silver dragées are particularly luxe (there, I gave you one).

A minimalistic magazine spread. On the top left corner of page one "Day Three: Learning the Language"  is printed in a formal font. Underneath the title is a small article along with the questions for the game in very small text. On the rest of page one and two there are simple pictures of several everyday items. The pictures are scattered neatly across the spread.

Henry Wolf Collection Box 1 Folder 61. Photographs by Henry Wolf, undated.

A minimalistic magazine spread. The questions for the game in very small text on the far left of page one. The rest of page one and two are pictures of everyday items, some picture are close-ups of certain items. The pictures are scattered neatly across the pages.

Henry Wolf Collection Box 1 Folder 61. Photographs by Henry Wolf, undated.