School of Visual Arts Archives > SVA Historical Event Recordings > Series 1: Audio Recordings (SVA.HEVR.S01)
America Today: William Irwin Thompson, Planetary Vistas audio recording
November 4 1971
Al Alvarez talk audio recording
May 1 1972
Alan Arkin talk audio recording
c. 1970
Albert Maysles talk audio recording
May 13 1971
America Today: Albert Goldman, The Bottom is A Long Way Down: The Current Decadence of Pop Culture audio recording
December 9 1971
America Today: Annette Michelson and Dusan Makaveyev, Film Today: Dissolution and Revolution audio recording
February 17 1972
America Today: Barbara Rose, the Avant Garde and the Democratization of Art audio recording
November 18 1971
America Today: David G. Cooper, A European View of the American Family audio recording
January 20 1972
America Today: George Wald, Art And Meaning audio recording
January 13 1972 April 6 1972
America Today: James Morton, Art and Religion: The Search for Visual and Cultural Order audio recording
February 3 1972
America Today: Lucius H. Pitts, Black Man and the American Education (with response by Fred Hechinger) audio recording
November 2 1971
America Today: Michael Langham, Aspects of the Contemporary Theatre: The Use of the Open Stage audio recording
March 16 1972
America Today: Ronald Glasser, Vietnam and the Problem of Drug Abuse Among Adolescents audio recording
March 2 1972
Art as Intervention audio recording
March 18 1980
Art Symposium: Diego Cortez, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Alan Moore, Tim Rollins, Julian Schnabel, Ingrid Sischy, Carol Squiers audio recording
May 3 1981
Artists and Curators Lecture Series: Agnes Martin audio recording
Barbara Reise "Art and Art Culture" talk audio recording
April 21 1971
Carl Ally talk audio recording
Conversation on making a living as an artist audio recording
Filmmakers Dialogue: John Schlesinger audio recording
September 29 1976
Filmmakers Dialogue: Michael Winner audio recording
May 11 1976
Filmmakers Dialogue: Robert Wise audio recording
December 17 1975
Gene Case and Helmut Krone (of Case and Krone) talk audio recording
December 8
Jacob Brackman speech delivered to SVA faculty audio recording
September 16 1967
Jerzy Kosinski talk - "The Painted Bird" audio recording
February 23 1972
Jim Jordan talk audio recording
October 27 1970
Joseph Heller talk audio recording
April 15 1971
Mel Brooks talk audio recording
April 6 1972
Morton Feldman talk; unidentified school meeting about classes high-school age students; classroom critique of artworks related to war; Jerry Lawrence, Fashion Illustration student, "At Home Show" radio interview audio recording
March 30 1967
Norman O. Brown talk audio recording
Point of View: Robert Colacello, “Andy Warhol’s Superstar System" audio recording
May 6 1971
Post-Modernism Seminar 3: David Shapiro: Post-Modernism: Art Criticism and Literature audio recording
November 15 1979
Rembrandt: Was He Blind? A Talk by Salvador Dali audio recording
February 28 1963
Robert M. Oksner talk audio recording
Shepard Kurnit talk ["Rick's class with Shepard Kermet"] audio recording
December 1 1970
SVA Filmmakers Dialogue: Hal Ashby audio recording
November 12 1976
Vine Deloria, Jr. talk - "Red Power" audio recording
January 13 1970
Zero Mostel talk - "What Happened to Comedy?" audio recording
March 18 1971