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SVA Historical Event Recordings


From its earliest days, the School of Visual Arts has hosted events featuring established and up-and-coming artists, actors, filmmakers, and intellectuals. These events range from lectures and discussions to symposia and conferences, many of which have been recorded.

This collection brings together audio recordings of some of the earliest events at the School of Visual Arts, held between 1963 and 1981, and which include lectures, discussions, symposia, and audience Q&A.

Highlights include talks by Salvador Dalí, Mel Brooks, Barbara Reise, Zero Mostel, Agnes Martin, Hal Ashby, Jenny Holzer, and Barbara Kruger, among many others. A full list of the recordings is accessible via the Collection Guide link below.

Full recordings are available to members of the SVA community via JSTOR ( by searching for JSTOR in the "Databases" section at or by logging into JSTOR via the "Log in through your Institution" option using your SVA credentials.

Excerpts of all recordings are also available to the general public on JSTOR (

Scope and Contents

Collection consists of audio recordings on quarter-inch open reel tapes. Digital copies of all recordings are available through Artstor with a valid SVAID.

Container List

School of Visual Arts Archives  >  SVA Historical Event Recordings  >  Series 1: Audio Recordings (SVA.HEVR.S01)

America Today: William Irwin Thompson, Planetary Vistas audio recording
November 4 1971
Al Alvarez talk audio recording
May 1 1972
Alan Arkin talk audio recording
c. 1970
Albert Maysles talk audio recording
May 13 1971
America Today: Albert Goldman, The Bottom is A Long Way Down: The Current Decadence of Pop Culture audio recording
December 9 1971
America Today: Annette Michelson and Dusan Makaveyev, Film Today: Dissolution and Revolution audio recording
February 17 1972
America Today: Barbara Rose, the Avant Garde and the Democratization of Art audio recording
November 18 1971
America Today: David G. Cooper, A European View of the American Family audio recording
January 20 1972
America Today: George Wald, Art And Meaning audio recording
January 13 1972 April 6 1972
America Today: James Morton, Art and Religion: The Search for Visual and Cultural Order audio recording
February 3 1972
America Today: Lucius H. Pitts, Black Man and the American Education (with response by Fred Hechinger) audio recording
November 2 1971
America Today: Michael Langham, Aspects of the Contemporary Theatre: The Use of the Open Stage audio recording
March 16 1972
America Today: Ronald Glasser, Vietnam and the Problem of Drug Abuse Among Adolescents audio recording
March 2 1972
Art as Intervention audio recording
March 18 1980
Art Symposium: Diego Cortez, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Alan Moore, Tim Rollins, Julian Schnabel, Ingrid Sischy, Carol Squiers audio recording
May 3 1981
Artists and Curators Lecture Series: Agnes Martin audio recording
Barbara Reise "Art and Art Culture" talk audio recording
April 21 1971
Carl Ally talk audio recording
Conversation on making a living as an artist audio recording
Filmmakers Dialogue: John Schlesinger audio recording
September 29 1976
Filmmakers Dialogue: Michael Winner audio recording
May 11 1976
Filmmakers Dialogue: Robert Wise audio recording
December 17 1975
Gene Case and Helmut Krone (of Case and Krone) talk audio recording
December 8
Jacob Brackman speech delivered to SVA faculty audio recording
September 16 1967
Jerzy Kosinski talk - "The Painted Bird" audio recording
February 23 1972
Jim Jordan talk audio recording
October 27 1970
Joseph Heller talk audio recording
April 15 1971
Mel Brooks talk audio recording
April 6 1972
Morton Feldman talk; unidentified school meeting about classes high-school age students; classroom critique of artworks related to war; Jerry Lawrence, Fashion Illustration student, "At Home Show" radio interview audio recording
March 30 1967
Norman O. Brown talk audio recording
Point of View: Robert Colacello, “Andy Warhol’s Superstar System" audio recording
May 6 1971
Post-Modernism Seminar 3: David Shapiro: Post-Modernism: Art Criticism and Literature audio recording
November 15 1979
Rembrandt: Was He Blind? A Talk by Salvador Dali audio recording
February 28 1963
Robert M. Oksner talk audio recording
Shepard Kurnit talk ["Rick's class with Shepard Kermet"] audio recording
December 1 1970
SVA Filmmakers Dialogue: Hal Ashby audio recording
November 12 1976
Vine Deloria, Jr. talk - "Red Power" audio recording
January 13 1970
Zero Mostel talk - "What Happened to Comedy?" audio recording
March 18 1971