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In the balance
WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (3): Die Scharfe, Aber Erlaubte Kritik [The Balance: The Pointed, But Allowed, Critique]. n.d.
June 23, 2014

In the balance

In the 1970s and 1980s Heinz Edelmann designed many posters for the West German public broadcasting station Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR). Though the majority of these were for music festivals and concerts—a subject matter with which Edelmann could be expected to be especially comfortable—some programming went in another direction, and I think he was happy to have the opportunity to sharpen his slant-rhyme satire on a new subject. This series of posters were distributed to promote “politically balanced” radio shows; each one focused on a specific democratic issue: free speech, plurality, etc.—various flavors of institutional critique. (In his pro forma invoice for the donation, Edelmann’s précis reads: “WDR Giveaway. Mild satire: ‘politically balanced programming’ was considered very important at the time.’”)

Black and white illustration of an owl with glasses talking into a group of press microphones

WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (4): Der Pluralismus [The Balance: Pluralism]. n.d.

Black and white illustration of a butterfly speaking into a microphone

WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (5): Das Meinungsmonopol [The Balance: Monopoly of Opinion]. n.d.

Black and white illustration of a turtle with a receded head talking into a microphone

WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (1): Die Vollkommene Stille [The Balance: Perfect Calm]. n.d.

Black and white illustration of a lion towering over and talking into a microphone

WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (2): Der Sachverstand [The Balance: Expertise]. n.d.

Black and white illustration of a large bird talking into a microphone while a small bird looks on

WDR. Die Ausgewogenheit (4): Die Freie Meinungsäusserung [The Balance: Free Speech]. n.d.

Black yellow and white illustration of two microphones under text

WDR. Fünf Darstellungen der Ausgewogenheit sowie eine Illustration der Abgewogenheit. n.d.