I’m surprised I haven’t brought this up before (or only in passing), considering that on any given tour that includes the Seymour Chwast collection, it’s what I invariably find myself babbling about. One of the key aspects of the originals by Seymour and Milton Glaser is the effect of layering devices in analog composition process. Chwast’s characteristic style is often — with amazing precision — composed of paper cut to shape upon which a clear sheet overlays the black outline. It’s incredibly meticulous. It’s a little tricky to demonstrate this in photographs and needless to say this is only one example among many.

Seymour Chwast Collection. Series 1: Detail of item O29.
July 09, 2014
Master strokes
Seymour Chwast Collection. Series 1: Detail of item O29.
Seymour Chwast Collection. Series 1: Detail of item O29.
Seymour Chwast Collection. Series 1: Item O29.