Click here for a complete view of the two years the SVA Tribeca Gallery was open. Student exhibitors at the gallery included included Keith Haring, Amy Sillman, critic Dominique Nahas, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Lydia Dona, and Frank Holliday, as well as many other now professional artists. The SVA Gallery moved to Wooster Street in SoHo in 1980 where it continued to provide a showcase for SVA’s most promising student artists in the heart of the NYC art scene.

May 19, 2013
Portrait of a gallery
SVA Tribeca Gallery First Show – Fine Arts October 9 – 27, 1979. Works by Frank Holliday, Aeyung Park, and Derek Lynch.
SVA Tribeca Gallery Group Photography Exhibition March 5 – April 5, 1980. Photograph by Max Ramirez.