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Sample clearance
November 05, 2014

Sample clearance

This post is the long-awaited sequel to our original preview of the George Tscherny Collection, which focused on the modular display system he designed for Pan Am. Those snapshots featured a handful of the hundreds of graphic patterns included with the sets.

The patterns were used in combination to promote particular destinations or simply to provide a more abstract tone of travel—Tscherny recruited many different artists to contribute images 14.5 or 18 inches square. In one loose set, Tscherny also included a selection of panels that he made himself: produced very quickly, they reveal the extreme dexterity the designer had with different modes of illustration and photography—an aspect of his work that is often overshadowed by the striking layout design.

A small sampling of these designs:

Detailed blue on white graphic of a pair of patterned socks


Close up of a cartoon woman's face with a speech bubble reading OK!


Black and neon graphic of a cityscape that is filled with neon light signs


Red and black illustration of bikes in a cluster against bright yellow background


Light brown drawing of a llama against medium brown background


Colorful dot text against black background


… And the rest, in this Flickr set.