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The furniture people of Stanley VanDerBeek
Milton Glaser Collection: Box 112, Folder 24, Push Pin Graphic (undated)
March 31, 2013

The furniture people of Stanley VanDerBeek

Stan VanDerBeek (1927-1984) was best known as an experimental filmmaker (see some of his films here) but he was also a gifted painter and sculptor. This undated issue of the Push Pin Graphic features photographs of VanDerBeek’s whimsical creations.

Age-worm black and white grid of various whimsical wire sculptures


The text "Vanderbeek", the letters slowly open and close showing a tiny man in a hat.

Milton Glaser Collection Box 67, Folder 12 Vanderbeek poster for Visual Arts Gallery.

This article reminded me that VanDerBeek’s work was later featured in a 1966 exhibition (curated by Shirley Glaser) at the Visual Arts Gallery at the School of Visual Arts. The exhibition poster was designed by Milton Glaser.