From the treasure trove grab bag that is the Steven Heller Collection come these exhibition announcements designed by Eileen Boxer for Ubu Gallery. The announcements are a study in distillation; each one is a piece of mailable art that requires the lucky recipient take action beyond opening the envelope: assemble a box, remove a perforated figure, tear open a plastic enclosure to reveal “sexually explicit material” inside. It was nearly impossible to pick just a few to share here; seven are below, the Heller Collection contains twenty-four total. The Musée d’Elysée in Lausanne exhibited Boxer’s announcements in 1998.
When Boxer asked Ono to suggest an object to incorporate into the mailer, Ono asked for a key, which Boxer dipped in cadmium red paint and enclosed in a ziploc bag.
The announcement for an exhibition of the work of French performance artist Pierre Molinier was wrapped in a black silk stocking, referencing the artist’s fetish objects.