December 11, 2014
Christmas mail bag
Steven Heller collected more than 250 Christmas cards from artists for a 1980s book project. Many of the cards are hand-drawn or painted, but even the reproductions are playful and highly personal.
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April 27, 2014
Eileen Boxer for Ubu Gallery
Eileen Boxer created sublime conceptual mail art to promote exhibitions at Ubu Gallery.
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December 22, 2013
Candies by Seymour Chwast
In the early 1980s, Push Pin Studios produced a line of candies under the name “Pushpinoff Sweets.”
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December 01, 2013
Identity Programs by Noel Martin
Noel Martin was a renown self-taught typographer and designer who studied drawing, painting, and printmaking at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. He later became an instructor there and was the long-time designer for the Cincinnati Art Museum, as well as a prolific free-lance designer. Martin was celebrated for modernizing museum graphics and industrial trade catalogs. In 1953, he was featured in MoMA’s landmark design exhibition, Four American Designers, along with Herbert Bayer, Leo Lionni, and Ben Shahn. His spiral-bound self-promotional piece, Identity Programs, presents some of his iconic minimalist logos.
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November 03, 2013
Illustrator Jerome Martin
While going through the books myself, I was particularly taken with the three covers done by an illustrator I’d never heard of, Jerome Martin.
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October 12, 2013
Chairs by Chwast
In the mid-80s Seymour Chwast was approached by Georg Kovacs, Inc. to experiment with furniture in the Pushpin style.
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June 22, 2013
Notes from the underground
Letterhead from early in Steve Heller’s career as an art director.
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June 15, 2013
How does one become an Emigre?
Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko’s Emigre defined the look of new media that emerged with the proliferation of the personal computer.
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May 14, 2013
The Composing Room type specimens
Some more examples of The Composing Room’s elegant type specimens series Typography and Paper after the jump.
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May 01, 2013
Interiors magazine
From the Steven Heller Collection come these lovely covers for Interiors, the influential magazine for interior designers, architects, and industrial designers. The magazine was art directed by notable architect Romaldo Giurgola and Roberto Mango; George Nelson was an editorial contributor.
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June 26, 2009
The Push Pin corporate identity
This label, stuck authoritatively on the back of a mounted board as a bit of corporate identity — complete with the overrule, grotesk “Group Incorporated,” and high-contrast logotype — exploits its context to achieve a kind of reflexive wit, a kind of acknowledgment of what is being put over, that gives it a unifying effect (it is at once more than, and no more than, a “bit of corporate identity”). This is achieved with an unusually unaffected air — a combination that I think has always characterized Chwast’s work.
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May 05, 2009
Mom always said…
The best translation I can come up with is “Only so!” which could be completely wrong. In any case, surely the image in this poster from the World Health Organization speaks for itself.
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April 03, 2009
P22 Type Foundry, Toy Box extras
The P22 Type Foundry, based in Buffalo, New York, packaged a typeface called Toy Box (originally named Child’s Play) with a set of extra glyphs including a collection of animal line-drawings based on children’s drawings. Commissioned by the London Transport Museum for a children’s exhibition in 1996, it was digitized by P22 founder Richard Kegler, with Michael Want, Mariah Kegler, Kevin Kegler, and Jennifer Kirwin-Want. Steven Heller included it in his book as an example of vernacular type.
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