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Woman putting together cardboard Pan Am display
June 04, 2013

Pan Am modular displays

George Tscherny designed this installation for Pan American Airways in 1972, designed to be sent to travel agencies to promote the airline’s vacation locations. The modular system was shipped in custom-fitted cardboard that held prints (a small sampling which we previewed earlier) and mounting instructions, marked on the exterior in heavy type with the contained location.

Close up of a case being carried by somebody; text is printed on it reading 'Pan Am Sun Isles'


They could be installed with any arrangement of the full-bleed panels and at any height:

American Express window viewed from the street, covered in colorful panels


Tscherny provided much of the art for the panels himself; additional prints were provided by Sandy Wheat, and additional photographs by the Rapho Guillumette Agency (which represented a wide range of photographers, including Bill Brandt, Izis, and Yousuf Karsh).