October 05, 2020
It's a Bottle of Fun
Milton Glaser's cheerfully psychedelic ads for Fanta are the natural culmination of Push Pin's psychedelic style.
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November 20, 2019
Milton's California Dream
We talked to Milton about his 1969 assignment to illustrate the cover of Time magazine.
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August 01, 2014
All together now
Shades of Yellow Submarine in Gian Carlo Menotti’s sci-fi opera for children Help, Help, The Globolinks!
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November 21, 2012
Odd bird
Looks like a regular ocellated fellow, with one significant difference. Cross-reference for flowers sprouting from heads: Utopia Records, and this poster for Push Pin Graphic. (Typeface is Glaser Stencil, which appeared on other Poppy productions as well.)
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