January 27, 2016
Cyrk ice cream by Seymour Chwast
Seymour Chwast’s characteristic contour line and flat pastel coloration appears on the packaging of this short-lived late-80s Kosher ice cream, for which his Push Pin Studios also contributed the logo.
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September 14, 2014
Paris in your pocket
Seymour Chwast’s designs for Bic Parfum.
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September 14, 2014
First Look: Louise Fili
Next up in our newly-hatched Design Study Collection: the supremely elegant Louise Fili.
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July 02, 2014
Seymour Chwast for Pepsi
Chwast’s can for Diet Pepsi for the Christmas season integrated their 1986-1991 logo into Santa’s spectacles. As you can see in this photo, the rims of the glasses were left unpainted shiny aluminum to highlight the logo—the background behind Santa was also a checkerboard of white and silver. (Click through for full frame.)
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June 19, 2014
Seymour Chwast for Topps
Seymour Chwast takes on Bazooka Joe.
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April 06, 2014
The hard stuff
And now, the companion piece to the Pushpin beers post. “Any port in a storm.”
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February 07, 2014
Effervescent packaging by Seymour Chwast
A short tour of Seymour Chwast’s designs for beer and soda packaging.
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January 09, 2014
Up in smoke, part 2
Liggett & Myers’ Designer Packs designed by George Tscherny.
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October 18, 2013
Up in smoke
Cigarette companies were always big into advertising (perhaps because their products were largely indistinguishable), but after their marketing practices became widely seen as particularly nefarious their presence in the field faded.
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October 06, 2013
A Grand Union
In the mid-1970s, Milton Glaser was approached by Sir James Goldsmith to take on a dramatic redesign of the supermarket chain Grand Union.
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April 10, 2013
Push Pin & Pop
Some ephemeral points of comparison between the work of Seymour Chwast and Andy Warhol.
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