May 14, 2013
107 graphic designers
The most recent addition to the Chermayeff & Geismar Collection is twelve boxes of old and rare art books, ranging from annuals to architecture; Switzerland to Japan. As always, there were plenty of surprises: one was the catalog for an AGI exhibition from 1976, which featured, alongside reproductions of their work, dramatic photos of the designers.
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March 12, 2013
Burgers for breakfast
An envelope showing the logo for slider chain Krystal, ca 1980s, designed by Chermayeff & Geismar. Doggie bag follows.
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February 23, 2013
If we’re so good, why aren’t we better?
Spin to see if new markets overseas raise your income or if underproductivity kills your business.
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February 10, 2013
How do you Prang?
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what a Prang is, your worries are over.
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February 02, 2013
The Dual Ladder
Which ladder will you climb at Xerox?
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January 25, 2013
More of that PBS guy
So last time we looked at a slide I’d happened upon by chance in the Push Pin slide library, for the font used in the PBS logo by Lubalin Studio. In the end of the post, I briefly mentioned that Chermayeff & Geismar updated the logo in 1984, taking the “P-head” from Lubalin’s logo…
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January 18, 2013
The Electric Circus
Chermayeff & Geismar design for “the ultimate legal entertainment experience."
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December 12, 2012
The first Nöel
Getting into the holiday spirit, we bring you Brownjohn, Chermayeff & Geismar’s charming wink at process.
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August 19, 2010
Keep it like a secret
In 1961, Ivan Chermayeff designed and illustrated Sandol Stoddard Warburg’s Keep it like a secret (Chermayeff and Warburg had previously collaborated on The Thinking Book in 1960). The charming title, with its childlike connotations, was later appropriated by the band Built to Spill for their 1999 album. Sadly, we only have the jacket, not the book itself, but I did discover another version of the jacket out there.
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July 21, 2010
Music box
Chermayeff & Geismar’s packaging for these Gramavision CDs brings me back to the CD bins in the (long gone) Tower Records on Broadway and E. 4th Street.
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June 14, 2010
Ring leaders
If Chermayeff & Geismar could be said to have one particular speciality, it would probably be the knack for distilling complex organizational systems into extremely reduced graphic ideas: their calling card in this respect was the Symbol Signs project. But this poster for Interactive Data Corporation, with its monochrome figuration for a symposium, also falls neatly into the category (along with work for Xerox). Click through for the full page.
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October 02, 2009
Chermayeff and Geismar’s letterhead on Silver Lining
One of our favorite design ephemera blogs, Silver Lining, recently asked us to participate in their Top 5 feature, where they invite fellow bloggers pick out five things for them to showcase as a series. Beth and I dug through boxes MG1 1A-4B and chose our favorite stationery and envelopes by letterhead wizards Chermayeff & Geismar.
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September 24, 2009
Chermayeff & Geismar for Pan Am
We have written on Tscherny’s artwork and modular displays for Pan Am. And now we’ve also uploaded more of C&G’s posters in the series (in our Flickr).
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June 22, 2009
Script pattern by Ivan Chermayeff
Ivan Chermayeff designed this poster for AIGA’s “Color” exhibition in 1974, which collected work by artists, photographers and designers. Tightly flowing script creates a pattern made out of textual gibberish, where exaggerated descenders are punctuated at intervals with large blobs of ink. Click through for the whole image, with Chermayeff’s colorful signature.
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June 11, 2009
Lincoln Center book cover
Lincoln Center’s groundbreaking ceremony took place in on May 14, 1959, so this book cover designed by Chermayeff & Geismar must have been created some time in the early 1960s. According to the text, Lincoln Center would make New York City “… the international capital of the performing arts, just as the United Nations makes it a capital for world affairs.”
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March 10, 2009
Like a record
From the Chermayeff & Geismar Collection comes this Norlin Annual Report shaped like an album cover. Inside, along with the actual report, is the record Norlin Salutes The Music in America, which includes works by Morton Gould, Samuel Barber, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, and William Schumann.
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January 16, 2009
Ivan Chermayeff’s glove collection
From Eye 54, a small feature on Ivan Chermayeff’s collection of abandoned gloves. They also link to another post featuring some whimsical collages by the designer.
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