May 05, 2013
Esquire’s Gift Catalog
Push Pin’s nutty and sweet Christmas Gift Catalog for Esquire exemplifies the eclectic spirit of that studio.
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April 23, 2013
The Sound of…
Milton Glaser’s early album covers express his understanding of the ineffable qualities of music.
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April 15, 2013
Everyday is like Sunday
Milton Glaser’s take on Seurat.
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March 31, 2013
The furniture people of Stanley VanDerBeek
Stan VanDerBeek (1927-1984) was best known as an experimental filmmaker but he was also a gifted painter and sculptor. This undated issue of the Push Pin Graphic features photographs of VanDerBeek’s whimsical creations.
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March 17, 2013
Opera News
In the category of personal favorites go these beautiful Opera News covers, done by Milton Glaser between 1966 and 1970, while he was at Push Pin.
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March 04, 2013
Talk about the Passion
Milton Glaser and Henry Wolf’s magazine workshop pays tribute to the landmark erotic publication Eros.
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February 27, 2013
Galeonen Bar, Hamburg
Milton Glaser designed this irregularly-shaped, cut-out menu in 1973 for Galeonen Bar, at the Plaza Hamburg hotel. Their vintage cocktail menu follows.
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February 20, 2013
Love is a sign
Vernacular signage from the first year of the Push Pin Graphic.
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February 20, 2013
Cameo gallery
In 1995, the Cooper Union celebrated the 40th anniversary of Pushpin Studios with an exhibition and special sale of drawings and paintings by the three founders, pictured above: Seymour Chwast, Edward Sorel, and Milton Glaser; along with works by John Alcorn, Sam Antupit, Michael Aron, Vincent Ceci, Paul Davis, George Leavitt, Tim Lewis, Jim McMullan, Reynold Ruffins, Jerold Smokler, Richard Mantel, “and others.” This reminded me of another similar device that captured a group that is also heavily represented by the Archive.
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November 21, 2012
Odd bird
Looks like a regular ocellated fellow, with one significant difference. Cross-reference for flowers sprouting from heads: Utopia Records, and this poster for Push Pin Graphic. (Typeface is Glaser Stencil, which appeared on other Poppy productions as well.)
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March 13, 2012
Saturday’s Generation
Are you a member of Saturday’s Generation?
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July 26, 2011
This won’t hurt a bit
The Archives will be closing to visitors this week in order to prepare for our extreme makeover. When our renovated space re-opens in early September we’ll have much more storage and visitor space. Stay tuned for news of discoveries of pirate treasure maps in the walls, dinosaur bones under the floorboards, and paleolithic cave paintings behind the flat files. Email inquiries are still welcome during the renovation period; our collections will be in storage but we’ll do our best to help.
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February 11, 2011
Love letter to NY
The piece will be available for free for the next six days at the BBC web site.
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December 02, 2010
Milton on Milton
It’s always a pleasure to hear Milton Glaser talk about his work, so here for your viewing delight is a short video of Glaser discussing some of the pieces that appeared in last year’s exhibition, Milton Glaser’s SVA: A Legacy of Graphic Design.
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November 19, 2010
It’s friday …
(Click through for a bigger version of this poster, by Milton Glaser.)
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August 07, 2009
Twen at the Visual Arts Gallery
Milton Glaser designed this poster for an exhibition at the Visual Arts Gallery in late 1965, organized by then Visual Arts Gallery director Shirley Glaser. Twen, a West German magazine for “people in their twenties: from 15 to 30,” was wildly influential in design circles worldwide—with a grid system composed of twelve small modules combined in an internally regular but widely varying page layouts, and liberal full-bleed spreads photographed by Art Kane, Will McBride, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon and others (and illustrations by Heinz Edelmann). It introduced many design students to Willy Fleckhaus, the magazine’s art director and sometime editor, who became famous for his virtuosic combination of close-set typography and tightly-cropped images. The rigid geometry of this poster, though not usually associated with Glaser, was a mode he employed often for SVA exhibition posters (more can be seen here and here). Though the graphic austerity is a contrast to his earlier work, the underlying expression of concepts through tactile visual representation is, I think, unmistakable Glaser.
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March 27, 2009
Chasing skirt
Flying after apparently-unoccupied parachute-like skirts at full sprint is a kind of perversion I guess.
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January 16, 2009
Inspiration: XTC and Milton Glaser
XTC’s Andy Partridge readily admits to using Milton Glaser’s 1966 poster for radio station WOR as the inspiration for the cover art for XTC’s 1989 album Oranges and Lemons. He has also professed his love of the work of Yellow Submarine art director and designer Heinz Edelmann, who is also a new addition to the archives — sneak peek to come!
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