August 12, 2013
Concrete Poetry
Milton Glaser tips his hat to French poet, playwright, and critic Guillaume Apollinaire.
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August 06, 2013
Serial production
For large patches of his later career Heinz Edelmann focused on quickly producing posters for arts events and series productions: these typically made use of a fairly regularized typographic template for information, and wild, allusive but enigmatic illustrations. For one season in the mid-1980s, he worked with the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus theater, playing off the plays’ angsty plotlines with evocatively deformed bodies.
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August 04, 2013
Champion Papers
The Glaser Archives is chock full of gorgeous promotional pieces for paper companies, dating from a time when they provided a steady stream of work and creative freedom to the designers and illustrators who were also their customers.
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August 04, 2013
Archives 101
What exactly do we do here at the Glaser Archives? I’m so glad you asked!
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August 04, 2013
Produce as land mass
We recently received a wonderful donation from James McMullan, and while I was looking for a few things to feature in a sneak peek, I came across this illustration he did for Push Pin of Long Island as a potato.
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July 30, 2013
Allan Kaprow’s Words
Another lovely artifact appeared in the Archive unexpectedly last week: Allan Kaprow’s Words, from 1962.
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July 29, 2013
Tea for two
Milton Glaser for the Russian Tea Room.
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July 28, 2013
Presenting… The James McMullan Collection
We recently finished organizing and describing the James McMullan Collection, which was donated by the acclaimed illustrator and designer last year.
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July 23, 2013
Saying good-bye to Heinz Edelmann
Enjoy a few of the acclaimed posters he produced for Germany’s Westdeutscher Rundfunk radio station after the jump. And click here for a characteristically witty and illuminating interview with Edelmann in Graphis.
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July 22, 2013
Layer cake
One of the central features of the Push Pin generation of designers — mainly Seymour Chwast and Milton Glaser — was a continued inspiration from, and reliance upon, physically layered compositions (using e.g., cello-tak) and photographic compositing.
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July 20, 2013
Hot potato
Milton Glaser plays with fire for Poppy Records.
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July 20, 2013
Inside the Big Apple
One of the main attractions of the archive as a research tool is as a document of artistic process. (The effect of the overwriting of drafts by computers is a subject I have written about elsewhere.) There were several stages to Milton Glaser’s development of a poster for the Visual Arts Gallery exhibition “Inside the Big Apple” (1968) — the above shows his collage of different versions of the figuration, which arrangement ended up contributing the composition that he used in the final version (other versions and the final poster follow).
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July 16, 2013
Milton Glaser’s geometries
Milton Glaser is closely associated with a visual style emphasizing expressive illustrations and resonant cultural symbols, but revisiting different periods in his career one is reminded that he was constantly developing new approaches, and in the Glaser Collection one can find an astonishingly wide range of approaches to design problems.
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July 15, 2013
Blue moon promotion
Lou Dorfsman’s epic promotional piece for CBS’s coverage of the Apollo 11 mission.
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July 15, 2013
SVA Continuing Education courses in the ’60s
During the 1960s, SVA published a series of course announcements advertising the practical aspects of its evening classes. The text was often dry but the graphics were playful and eye-catching. Here, having some fun with type, are Ivan Chermayeff and Tony Palladino. Chermayeff and Bob Gill are after the jump.
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July 12, 2013
Man in the shadows
He wanted to live in a world in which one could find “Gershwin playing all night in penthouses, while George Kaufman fired one-liners into the guests and Harpo scrambled eggs in their hats.” Milton Glaser’s cover, with its punchy color combined with austere but evocative line, seems neatly suited to such a world.
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July 07, 2013
Twombly at SVA
Cy Twombly was the subject of two solo exhibitions at SVA, in 1973 and 1977, just before his idiosyncratic work found new favor with the rising generation of neo-Expressionists.
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July 07, 2013
Glaser for RCA Computers
In 1970, Milton Glaser did a series of three posters for RCA’s Computer Division entitled Memory Unbound. They express the abstract promise of technology that was at least a decade away for most people.
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June 25, 2013
Candy men
Fanciful candy packaging for Audience magazine.
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June 22, 2013
Notes from the underground
Letterhead from early in Steve Heller’s career as an art director.
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