February 10, 2013
How do you Prang?
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what a Prang is, your worries are over.
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February 08, 2013
Transparent things
James McMullan illustrated Nabokov’s Transparent Things for Esquire in 1971.
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February 04, 2013
First look: Heinz Edelmann Collection
Direct from Stuttgart, we’ve received 151 posters and 9 books from the truly delightful Heinz Edelmann. Edelmann is best known as the influential art director of The Beatles’ film, Yellow Submarine. He’s worked in Germany, England and the Netherlands since the late 1950s, doing design, illustration, advertising and animation.
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February 02, 2013
The Dual Ladder
Which ladder will you climb at Xerox?
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February 01, 2013
Inaugural address
A pair of posters announcing the School of Visual Arts’ new location at 209 E 23rd Street.
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January 29, 2013
Madison Avenue in the 1960s
Pictured: Sandy Kiersky, media director for Trahey/Wolf advertising and her fantastic eyeglasses. Click through for the full frame of this shot and pictures of their futuristic mid-century office at 477 Madison Avenue.
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January 25, 2013
More of that PBS guy
So last time we looked at a slide I’d happened upon by chance in the Push Pin slide library, for the font used in the PBS logo by Lubalin Studio. In the end of the post, I briefly mentioned that Chermayeff & Geismar updated the logo in 1984, taking the “P-head” from Lubalin’s logo…
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January 20, 2013
The glasses on the cover don’t exist
And yet…
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January 18, 2013
First Look: Fred Troller
New stuff in our collection by Swiss-born designer Fred Troller.
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January 18, 2013
The Electric Circus
Chermayeff & Geismar design for “the ultimate legal entertainment experience."
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January 16, 2013
First look: George Tscherny Collection
We’ve just received the first installment of our new George Tscherny Collection, which includes gorgeous modular displays for Pan Am terminals, corporate style manuals, and branded promo items and service uniforms.
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January 15, 2013
Vignelli charts design changes: 60s–80s
It surprises no one that the side of 60s design that Vignelli decides to focus on is the modularity and rigid systematization that he specialized in.
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January 15, 2013
Erasermate: Put it down and take it back
Wolf shot the photograph for this ca. 1980s Papermate ad, which was originally a full magazine spread.
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January 14, 2013
AIGA presents the symbol for the 1968 Summer Olympics
Rummaging through some old SVA publications, we came across this invitation for an unveiling of the XIX Olympiad graphics, featuring Lance Wyman’s classic symbol for the games.
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January 07, 2013
Lucky number 13
A series of talks at SVA in 1971 and 1972 featured a pretty spectacular line-up: Carl Andre, Larry Bell, Michael Heizer, Donald Judd, Allan Kaprow, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenberg, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra, and Andy Warhol. The poster art, by John Sposato, reads as minimalism sent through the Push Pin filter (even though Sposato, who still teaches at SVA today, was, to my knowledge, never employed by the studio), right down to the slowly unfolding plays on depth and perspective.
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January 07, 2013
Foot fetish
The transfigured shoes of Push Pin Studios.
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January 07, 2013
Bob Gill
Designer and illustrator Bob Gill was one of the earliest faculty members at SVA, joining right around the time George Tscherny taught the school’s first design course.
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January 05, 2013
The White Album
James McMullan’s expressive illustrations add layers to Joan Didion’s novelistic essays.
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January 03, 2013
Push Pin and the P-Head
From the Push Pin Slide Collection: what appears to be a study for an alphabet based on the 1971 PBS identity designed by Lubalin Studio.
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December 12, 2012
The first Nöel
Getting into the holiday spirit, we bring you Brownjohn, Chermayeff & Geismar’s charming wink at process.
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