May 16, 2014
Tony Palladino, 1930-2014
A tribute to the singular artist and designer.
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May 10, 2014
The many trademarks of Chermayeff and Geismar
Chermayeff and Geismar published a spiral-bound portfolio of their trademarks in 1979, a precursor to the 2000 volume TM, published by Princeton Architectural Press.
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May 09, 2014
Milton Glaser explored an undersea terrain for Sports Illustrated in 1961.
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May 06, 2014
Talent show
SVA’s subway posters established the school’s graphic presence by using abstract concepts to convey a deeply pragmatic message.
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May 06, 2014
Richard Serra in Rome, 1966
A brochure for Richard Serra’s first solo show, from 1966, surfaced recently in the archives. Though often excised from his oeuvre, Serra, then on a Fullbright in affiliation with Academie Belles Artes in Florence, showed live and stuffed animals along with sculptural collages or Rauschenbergian “combines” at Gallery La Salita in Rome.
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May 03, 2014
Quiz show
In the grand tradition of magazine quizzes comes “The Whatchamacallit Game” from Esquire.
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April 27, 2014
Eileen Boxer for Ubu Gallery
Eileen Boxer created sublime conceptual mail art to promote exhibitions at Ubu Gallery.
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April 25, 2014
Palladino Perfectos
These Perfectos cigarette ads, designed by Tony Palladino in 1965, caught my attention because they’re so markedly different in style from the typical tobacco ads of the 1960s.
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April 24, 2014
Won’t you be my neighbor
James McMullan is paired with Jane Jacobs for a 1966 issue of the Push Pin Graphic.
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April 19, 2014
First Look: Deborah Sussman
Next in our Design and Illustration Study Collection is the work of environmental design pioneer Deborah Sussman.
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April 18, 2014
Sun-rays and lightning
An exhibition of Navajo Weaving at the Visual Arts Gallery in 1972 described a loom made of cosmic forces, and blankets rendered in “cannel-coal, turquoise, abalone, and white bead” but developed during a “devastating acculturation process.”
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April 14, 2014
The newest culinary celebrity
Chermayeff & Geismar for the State of Maine Cheese Company.
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April 13, 2014
Hammers and sickles
One of the earliest exhibitions of Andy Warhol’s provocative “Sickle and Hammer” series was an exhibition of the pencil-and-watercolor drawings of 1976 at the Visual Arts Museum.
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April 12, 2014
They might be giants
Icons of culture and folklore are interpreted by the artists of Push Pin.
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April 08, 2014
Blechman Palladino for Architectural & Engineering News
Tony Palladino collaborated with R.O. Blechman in the 1960s. One of the best examples of their combined sensibilities appeared on their covers for Architectural & Engineering News.
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April 07, 2014
Georgia’s always on my mind
Herb Lubalin was among the many designers and illustrators who contributed to the United States Information Agency’s 1962 graphic arts exhibition that toured the USSR.
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April 06, 2014
The hard stuff
And now, the companion piece to the Pushpin beers post. “Any port in a storm.”
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April 04, 2014
Henry Wolf for Olivetti
In the late-1960s Henry Wolf produced a number of advertisements for Olivetti, which touched on two of his favorite devices: the use of celebrity and the distortions of scale and context used to dreamlike effect.
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March 31, 2014
Group W
From the James McMullan Collection, a look at some of the best illustrators who got their start the 1950s and 60s.
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March 30, 2014
For the pleasure and edification of all
Before Push Pin Studios, before the Push Pin Graphic, there was the Push Pin Almanack.
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